Pure Water is the Rock Star

water rock star100% pure water is only available in limited quantities worldwide. It’s the “hottest rock concert ticket in town.” Not everyone will be able to drink pure water like Nature intended. Most doctors agree for optimum health, get your hands on the purest water you can drink.

This is Part Three of our series on best guidelines in choosing what water to drink. Pure water is refreshing but we humans like to “improve” on Nature’s bounty. Added flavoring to water may delight our inner gourmet, but does a mango-coconut flavor combination actually taste good? It is certainly fine to drink flavored water to wet your whistle on occasion. After all, some filtered waters may not taste good on their own. However, make sure your base water needed for superior hydration is as pure as it can be, free from contaminants, excessive sugars and artificial chemical additives.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises consumers to know how the bottled water that you buy is treated and purified. We recognize that consumers may not have the label transparency that they want on the wide variety of choices in bottled water brands. We want our customers to know how Watt-Ahh® is created.

How Pure is Watt-Ahh®?                                                                                  

Many bottled water products on the market contain more than 100 ppm of dissolved solids in their water. The total dissolved solids in Watt-Ahh® is <1ppm.

How is Watt-Ahh® Purified?                                                                    

AquaNew goes through an extensive five-step purification process that includes and surpasses the FDA requirements for bottled water. This process includes Particulate and Carbon Filtration, Reverse Osmosis, Deionization/Steam-Vapor Distillation, Patent Pending Polarization Process and Final Filtration. To learn more about each purification phase, and what contaminants they remove, please visit our Purification Process page.