Tailpipe Discrimination … is There Such a Thing?

June 6, 2023 – Today, Facebook rejected our discussion comparing the conditions of two tailpipes due to violating their “discriminatory practices” policy. Not sure how we could have done this? We plead guilty of not liking dirty tailpipes (and engines) that emit more pollutants. Since we received initial rave reviews, we felt more confident about purchasing a Facebook ad. It was rejected due to our alleged discrimination on tailpipes.

Since we are motivated like so many others to support proven Technologies for a cleaner environment, we are taking a risk by re-posting our story below along with the rave reviews. LOL! We hope it is not offensive:

“Yesterday, Dana and Rob went to the University Town Center mall (Sarasota, FL.) in their 1999 Subaru Outback fueled with DiTetra Gas. We parked next to a car with the trademark of ‘Blue Efficiency’ … supposedly eco-friendly and economical technology according to a leading manufacturer of luxury passenger cars. The tailpipe of our green Subaru with over 250K miles is cleaner from more efficient fuel consumption and less pollution emissions.

For more on DiTetra Gas, the active state of water gas that is also infused into Watt-Ahh, go to this link.”

Anthony R. “Very impressive!”

Stephen B. “You just got to love it.”

Patty H. “Way to go!!!”

Jason K. “How interesting.”