Dr. Zachary Bush, MD, along with several of his colleagues from the Revolution Health Clinic, led the two-day medical conference held in Sarasota, Fla. As a respected endocrinologist and internist, Dr. Bush looks for the cellular source of systemic stress and hormonal chaos that underlie illness and disease. He presented a new health paradigm, one that involves getting back to nature and restoring the communication pathways within our own bodies, thereby creating the optimal environment for self-healing.
A WattAhh-Shed Moment
During his keynote presentation, Dr. Bush outlined the main causes of disease and cellular aging: Inflammation, stress, poor mitochondrial function. He also provided a look at frightening health trends in our country and empirical data on the pharmaceutical industry today … the failed attempts at curing diseases with drugs that have proven to be toxic to the human body. Instead of relying on a lifetime of pills to mask the symptoms of disease, Dr. Bush recommends that we make an effort toward real healing, where we reduce inflammation and stress on our bodies in order to build stronger immune systems.
He presented a compelling case to his audience to discover nature-centric and simpler innovations that are more compatible with the environment and our own bodies for innate healing. Dr. Bush is of the opinion that the golden keys to good, sustainable health can be found in the natural forces of the ocean, soil and even in lightning. “This is our WattAhh-Shed Moment!” Proclaimed Dr. Bush.
A Letter from Dr. Bush
Below is a post-conference letter from Dr. Zachary Bush, M.D., entitled “Optimal Supplementation to Support Innate Health and Healing” (Jan. 30, 2013)
Greetings friends and colleagues!
It was a pleasure to meet such an amazing array of talent, humanity and beautiful people at the Watt-Ahh event! We are excited to see so many lives changed through the technology that Rob and Dana have brought to the world through their exhaustive efforts.
In response to many requests from the group, below is info pertaining to supplementation for comprehensive system restoration/anti-aging regimen.
As part of our 360-degree effort to combat inflammation and encourage cellular healing in our patients, we are using structured Water (Watt-Ahh), redox molecule supplementation (ASEA), and gut restoration – tight junction repair and pre-biotic therapy (RESTORE -Soil redox and mineral complex). We generally stop the majority of other supplements – anti-oxidants, digestive enzymes, probiotics, multivitamins, etc if patients start this comprehensive program which will outperform any of these other categories on the market, this can save them money to offset the cost of the regimen below.
1. WATT-AHH: Reversing aging with intracellular hydration and delivery of electrons, hydrogen and oxygen to the mitochondrial membrane. We recommend a minimum dose of 34 ounces (two small bottles) a day for general health … If you want to start the recommended redox molecule supplementation, you will want to double that during first month or two to minimize the detox symptoms as your immune system and cellular repair mechanisms rev up. We recommend you start the Watt-Ahh at least a week before starting the recommended redox molecule supplementation to prepare for that metabolic shift.
Note: a one-year supply for one individual drinking consistently nearly a 1/2 gallon per day is about one pallet of the gallon bottles. Contact Dana at www.aquanew.com or robgourley@prodigy.net (Attn: Dana) to order.
2. RESTORE soil redox and mineral supplement: Email Surya Vitalis at innergaia@gmail.com for more information.
3. ASEA redox molecule supplementation: Visit www.naturedoc.teamasea.com for more information.
I look forward to working with and knowing all of you better in the years to come.
Be in love with yourself – that body of yours is one miraculous healing machine! 100% God made, 100% God loved, how much do you love yourself? You better hit the 100%, anything less would diminish what God has made and loved. Get out of your head and heart, get into your core.
Zachary M. Bush, MD
Director of Clinical Affairs
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Internal Medicine
Revolution Health Center, PLC
For a complete copy of Dr. Bush’s post-conference message, please email inquiries@aquanew.com.
Watt-Ahh® – Natural Energy for Smart Brains