CTAs on the WDV (Watt-Ahh Delivery Van)

Sarasota Wraps recently created a new lightning-themed design for the Watt-Ahh Delivery Van, now with its higher-performance new Chevy DuraMax engine and tranny. It is geared and rad with lots of CTAs (calls-to-action). Some of the eye-catching CTAs include:

WIT Logo with statement that the van is powered by renewable DiTetra Gas (see close-up photo below);

Local technology created in Sarasota;

Delivering to the Suncoast;

Our motto “Healing Requires Energy”;

Photo of the Watt-Ahh liter bottle from a sunlit photo that flashes the three diamonds on the inside of the Watt-Ahh label (adapted from a great photo taken by Roy Sewell, owner of Sarasota Wraps);

Availability in local stores, Amazon and online;

Icons of Facebook and Instagram;

QR code leading to the AquaNew website; and

More contact information for ordering Watt-Ahh.

Bob Chenard, one of our drivers, participated in the visioning and refinement of the design elements to enhance these CTAs on the van.

The van definitely has a visual presence as it travels the Florida Suncoast in making its Watt-Ahh delivery rounds.

Plus, Roy made these awesome glamour videos of the van going through its makeover:

