Nano Nylon, Nano Plastics and Silica – AHA! Detoxify Discovery for May 2024

March 28, 2024 – Nano-sized toxins are a tough topic and likely difficult to avoid. We wake up to many exposures of both nylon and plastics every morning to get ready for the day ahead … our nylon toothbrush, fragrant-smelling shampoo, soft-feeling clothing, durable shoes, packaged “instant” breakfast foods, and when we jump into our car carrying handbags, cell phones, notebooks and backpacks, we are also exposed to outgasing toxins from the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) dashboard, rubber floor mats and seat upholstery inside our car. We breathe in these nano-sized particles that absorb into our blood and cells. The reality is there are aerial nano plastics swirling everywhere … in the air, ocean currents, and rain falling on crops. Tiny plastics from the rain and irrigation water even absorb into the cells of the leafy greens that we eat.

We hear from some persons on occasion that they will not drink bottled water due to the nano plastics in the bottle itself. The truth is that packaging of any consumable product has nano plastics that can contaminate both food and beverages. The focus has been on bottled water since it is the obvious choice of scientists testing their different analyses for nano-sized toxins as compared to testing the more complicated food. Some of these studies have neither been standardized nor proven reliable by their scientist peers (see the response from International Bottled Water Association, dated January 8, 2024 can be found at this link).

The recent shocking discovery is “more than 50% of the plaque removed from arteries consisted of micro and nano plastics”.  The Forbes article on one of the recent studies identified seven of the most common plastics were detected in the water bottles made with polyethylene terephthalate (P.E.T.) as well as other plastic containers, including polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS), the latter is used to make Styrofoam containers and even plastic grocery bags. According to the Forbes article, the most commonly found plastic was polyamide (PA), a type of nylon. The article states … “However, these seven plastics only accounted for 10% of the nanoplastics found in the water—researchers have no clue what type of nanoplastics the other 90% are…”

Again, food is not immune from nano nylon and plastic contamination from packing materials used at the farm, transport, machines that process food, filtration membranes, and containers used for food that we purchase at the store.

Research needs to continue on the health implications of nano particles. Studies have shown some toxicity and cancer-causing changes when these particles are placed directly into cells.  Damaged cells can cause inflammatory and immune reactions to the body, inducing symptoms of obesity, reproductive harm and increased cancer risk. Dehydration and starvation, however, are deadly so we must consume the cleanest food and water that we can get our hands on.

Better Products Through Chemistry

As consumers, we want our products to be durable, pliable, weather-resistant, smell good, and have powerful cleaning strength to name only a few qualities. There is no doubt that chemists have been successful in their formulations when using PFAS (also called “forever chemicals”), bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates (also only naming a few of the noxious chemicals that can invade our cells). Consumers are getting smarter to look for products including their clothes and home goods, that do not have these chemicals. Over 30 years ago, the bottled water industry started using PET-1 plastic that has no chemical phthalates or BPA. Turn over the bottle and look for the triangle with a number 1 stamped on the bottom of the bottle to confirm PET-1. FDA and other similar international agencies have approved PET-1 as safe packaging for direct contact with food and beverages. However, our theory is the insoluble mineral silica even in PET-1 water bottles is abrasive to plastic just like silica used in toothpaste breakdowns nylon in the toothbrush into fine plastic particles that we swallow.

The “Gourley Theory” on Silica and Nanoplastics in Certain Bottled Water

A recent report on nanoparticles in bottled water used three popular brands in PET-1 plastic but did not disclose these brands. Some articles speculate such brands as Evian, Fiji, Voss, SmartWater, Aquafina, and Dasani as being popular brands that may or may not have been tested. We are aware that some of the popular brands have silica, a natural mineral that is crystallized from volcanic action and found in both artesian and mineralized water. We are also aware of alkaline water brands that add silica. It is recognized that organic forms of silica are an essential trace element for collagen formation in the skin* but what we are talking about is abrasive “jagged-edged” silica (shown in the photo above) found in certain bottled water that can scrape the surface of the plastic bottle during transport and even if the bottle is shaken to release even more nanoparticles into the water.

Watt-Ahh has no silica. The purification stages of the municipal water coming into the bottling plant is extensive to produce the highly-purified base water ready for the infusion of DiTetra Gas, the fifth state of active water to make Watt-Ahh. Salts and minerals including silica are removed by a double-pass reverse osmosis and deionization (a sophisticated form of distillation). It is a more effective way of removal of contaminants including microplastics when compared to home activated-charcoal filtration systems used for purifying tap water.

Additionally, the PET-1 plastic bottle is neutral to both the structure and purity (no silica) of Watt-Ahh. You can try this trick of turning a partially filled bottle of Watt-Ahh over and watching the water immediately slide down the sides of the bottle while regular bottled water with greater surface tension creates a slower surface flow along the sides of the plastic bottle.

* There are also harmful forms of silicate materials including asbestos. Silica is also used to make glass containers.

All of the 2024 “AHA! Detoxify” Series can be found here.

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