Detoxify — AHA! Discoveries for 2024

AHA! it is the year of the Detox. 2024 is the year of cleansing toxins and eliminating metabolic waste from the cells in our body. Our new series actually starts at the end, right into the toilet for full emptying of the bladder of urine. It is one of the body’s most efficient ways for cellular cleansing. Also, this year, AquaNew is a sponsor of a detox event in February of 2024. So we look forward to sharing with you these detox topics for 2024, as follows:

January 2024: PeeBopping

February 2024: Winning the Battle Against Toxins Causing Our Health Epidemics

March 2024: Healthy Nerve Songs

April 2024: Heart Health and HRV

May 2024: Nanoplastics in Bottled Water and Our Theory on Silica Scraping Plastic Bottles

June 2024: Dental Amalgam and Mercury Toxicity

July 2024: Fascia: the Gooey Lube of Life!

August 2024: Side Effects of Rapid Weight Loss

September 2024: Alcohol Detox or Drink Responsibly

October 2024: One of the Most Additive Toxic Plants

November 2024: History of Detox

December 2024: Ebers Papyrus, the World’s First Known Medical Journal