Surplus Energy to Support Healing

I went on a cyber journey for a couple of hours to try to find a credible research source that presented a pie chart showing the daily energy allocation used by our bodies. I went into a warp of different questionnaires on lifestyle and diet to calculate an individual’s daily caloric needs. Although I found specific articles on caloric budgets for pregnant women, growing children, and even exotic birds, I was unsuccessful in finding the perfect pie chart on the body’s typical energy consumption breakdown.

It appears in surfing some of the literature sources, up to 60% of the energy from our food supports digestion of food involving the production of saliva, enzymes and digestive juices. Our brain functions can use up to 20% of the available energy produced by our bodies. Another 15% of the available energy can be used for muscle movement. I wondered about any surplus energy that may or may not remain on a daily basis for the body’s intrinsic healing functions.

The energy allocation may become imbalanced when we eat nutrient-poor foods or foods that may require more basal metabolism energy to digest (e.g., high-fat foods). Indigestion may also cause an energy deficit such that more energy is being expended for digestion, and one of the possible symptoms is that we feel fatigue. The lack of surplus energy due to other stresses in our lives, such as either endurance exercising or illness, could be one of the base reasons why it takes longer to recover from a cold or wounds seem to heal slower. Without energy, full healing can be delayed.

I recognize that one of the reasons why the body stores fat is to convert to energy and overcome any daily energy deficits.

Another thought I have is to drink Polarized Water Watt-Ahh®, enriched with electrons, to avoid energy gaps, and continue to support our bodies in efficient healing and recovery.