March 12, 2024 – After decades of chasing the DiTetra Gas molecule, AquaNew’s Rob Gourley discovered rare Earth magnets are needed. Magnetism adds subatomic particles (electrons and protons) associated with the oxygen and hydrogen to create the active form of water that we call the “Fifth State of Water”. The ormus or high-speed electron spin in both DiTetra Gas and Watt-Ahh have homeopathic benefits for the human body (see subsection below). In recent years, the naysayers who originally proclaim “pseudoscience” have become quieter about DiTetra Gas as academic physicists are realizing that their own modeling of water and subatomic particles are wrong.
Rob is certainly not the only inventor who has defended his theory of electromagnetism in converting liquid water into an active gaseous state. In the 1980’s, Benveniste received great scientific criticism when he discovered water could be activated electromagnetically. The naysayers also did not accept that the activated water have homeopathic properties. Forty years later, in 2018, Benveniste’s experimental results were explained in laboratory testing.
Prior to Benveniste’s research, in the 1920’s, Albert Einstein theorized on the existence of ormus or vacuum of pure electronic energy in water which was also highly disputed by the scientific community. Later, in 1995 or 75 years later, laboratory researchers confirmed Einstein’s observations. Sadly, inventors may not receive credit for their discoveries until decades later when “enlightened” peer-review experiments are performed.
At a conference held at the UK’s Royal Society of Medicine in July of 2018, Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson stated that Traditional Physics cannot fully explain the memory mechanism, structural, kinetic and thermodynamic stages of water and its dramatic impact on a person’s physiology. Josephson challenged his fellow scientists to develop “New Physics” modeling to better explain these mechanisms. At this same conference, other scientists discussed how “electromagnetically activated” water can create homeopathic medicines. Small doses of medicinal agents or “nanodoses” can persist in water delivering therapeutic effects. The human body operates at super small nanodose levels such as hormones and cell-signaling systems and tiny doses of medicines have dramatic effects on biological systems.
Now, results from a three-year long experiment on “muons” (circa 2021) have made both recent national news stories and headlines, making scientists revisit/replace the Standard Model of Particle Physics and generating hopes for homeopathic applications including the treatment of cancer in the future. Muons are subatomic particles from cosmic rays that weigh 200 times the mass of a single electron and were originally discovered in the late 1930’s. With greater energy than electrons, muons decay to lighter particles such as electrons while still conserving energy. Muons are actually more magnetic than the Standard Model predicted. Rob agrees that magnetism contributes to this newly-reconfirmed muon phenomenon, almost 100 years after its original discovery.
What is the Homeopathic Nature of Ormus?
Electromagnetically activated water such as Watt-Ahh can form into an ormus high-spin energy state. The extent of homeopathic nature of ormus has been greatly debated among wellness practitioners and scientists but in the literature some of the therapies are restoring DNA structure, anti-aging, detoxification and faster healing. One of these articles from Dancing with Water recommends Watt-Ahh with the following statement … “The new water called Watt-Ahh has been infused with a gaseous form of water called Ditetra gas (2 water molecules and 4 extra electrons held in a high-spin state by Cooper pairing). In the authors experience, the placement of salts in this water rapidly spins them into a high spin state for a highly bioavailable, electrolyte cocktail that is delivered with an abundance of hydrogen and oxygen.”
Credit for “Einstein research poster” above is from Google search.