Watt-Ahh – Amplify Elixirs and Ormus

M J Pangman

M J Pangman and Melanie Evans of the Dancing with Water, the New Science of Water fame are admittedly more knowledgeable about the properties of structured waters when it comes to carrying information. They have experimented for years on how to make biologically-active electrolyte cocktails or ormus-enhanced elixirs. Their newest secret ingredient is Watt-Ahh that both stabilizes and amplifies the effects of their elixirs and ormus. The latter means superconductive properties.

M J recently let us know that they have updated their 3-part article on Watt-Ahh, specifically the second part on how to make a natural unprocessed salt solution and how to add to Watt-Ahh. The updated excerpt follows:

“Adding salts
The authors of Dancing with Water have always advocated the addition of unprocessed natural salts in their liquid form—as a saturated salt solution. In this way, the full spectrum of minerals are dissolved and their representative ions can easily disperse. When fully incorporated in water, salts participate in the development of a more complex liquid crystalline network  in much the same way as DiTetra® gas. In other words, each salt ion is surrounded by a hydration layer that tightly structures the water around it; the resulting separation of charge in the water produces forces that support the development of a liquid crystalline array that is unique to each salt or salt blend. When natural unprocessed salts are added to Watt-Ahh, they add depth to the already organized matrix. They provide an avenue for the transmission of energy and for the delivery of minerals in an energized state.

Melanie Evans

As we began to add salts to Watt-Ahh, we noticed some interesting things. Placing minerals in Watt-Ahh seemed to “turn on” those minerals. Then we realized the salts were acting more like ormus than simple dissolved salts. It was another Watt-Ahh moment!  Given time in the presence of Watt-Ahh, salt ions themselves begin to spin… and spinning ions act like magnets. Once again, from the second edition of Dancing with Water, we read:

“Any process or device that spins water in the presence of magnetic fields awakens the ormus elements.” (Dancing with Water page 215)

In time, salts that are placed in Watt-Ahh are broken down into extremely tiny particles—much smaller than if they are simply dissolved. Many of these tiny ions (some of them atomic or diatomic) may enter their own high-spin state.  No wonder we experienced deeper levels of cleansing and even more energy as we began to add minerals. Depending on the salts you select, you can create a biologically active electrolyte cocktail or an ormus-enhanced elixir.  Here’s how:

Make a saturated salt solution
To make a saturated salt solution, use your favorite natural, unprocessed salt (Celtic Sea Salt, Himalayan salt, Real salt, and many others).  Never use table salt which is extremely imbalanced; it includes anti-caking agents and has been stripped of all minerals except sodium and chloride.

  1. Add 1 part salt to 3 parts filtered or spring water.
  2. Stir the solution once or twice and then let it sit undisturbed for 24-48 hours.
  3. Pour or siphon off the clear liquid, leaving the undissolved solids in the bottom. This is your saturated salt solution.

Add salts to Watt-Ahh
When adding the above salt solution to normal water (not Watt-Ahh) use 10-20 drops/liter of the above saturated salt solution, depending on the minerals already preset in your water. Let it sit for several hours for best results prior to drinking.

However, when adding a saturated salt solution to Watt-Ahh, we have found it is best to allow the body some time to become comfortable with the Watt-Ahh delivery system. Begin slowly by adding 1 or 2 drops/liter (athletes or those who work outside, may use up to 4 drops). Let the water sit for several hours and consume within 2 days.  Then after 2-3 weeks you can add more minerals (in increments) up to a final dose that will vary depending on the individual and their circumstances—somewhere between 15 and 30 drops/liter”.

Thank you, M J and Melanie, for sharing as we continue to dance the “Watt-Ahh” together!