Watt-Ahh is on Best Bottled Water List for 2022 with Update

January 10, 2022 and updated on May 28, 2022 – A good New Year surprise! … Watt-Ahh appears on a list entitled … “Choosing Best Bottled Water Ratings in 2022 – Top Reviews and Buying Guide”. It is a short List of the Best Ratings based on Amazon customer reviews and compiled by Modern Groove Syndicate. The Syndicate posted yesterday … “Buy the Best Bottled Water Ratings for your needs. Choose from the Best Bottled Water Ratings on the market. Pick the one that satisfies your need”.

The Syndicate lists along with Watt-Ahh, 5 other blockbuster bottled water brands: Fiji Natural Artisan Water, Essentia, Evian Natural Spring Water, Acqua Penna Natural Spring Water, and LIFEWTR premium purified water.

For the entire article, go to: https://moderngroovesyndicate.com/choosing-best-bottled-water-ratings-in-2022-top-reviews-buying-guides/

Thank you Amazon customers letting others know what you think is the best!

Whole Foods E-newsletter for June of 2022

Whole Foods, now owned by Amazon, published an article entitled “What’s Selling for June 2022”. In the Southeast USA region, Watt-Ahh is listed as one of the best selling products. Beyond the robust Amazon sells, Whole Foods itself should look into carrying Watt-Ahh for their stores too. Our customers nationwide would enjoy the convenience of buying individual bottles of Watt-Ahh at their local Whole Foods without paying UPS ground shipping for full cases.

For the entire article, dated May 24, 2022, go to this link.

Thank you, Rebecca’s Natural Food for letting Whole Foods know what sells best! Rebecca’s of Charlottesville, VA. has been selling Watt-Ahh since 2013.