Cadillac’s New Campaign Challenges Us to “Dare Greatly”

cadillac logo, emblem of car“I want to surprise people by doing unusual things,” Cadillac’s CMO, Uwe Ellinghaus, told Behind the Brand in a recent interview, where he posed the question, “when you have diversity of life and a variety of people, what’s the thread that ties them together?”

The answer? Well, Ellinghaus answered his own question: “Anything that enhances the quality of life and provides a sense of wellbeing.”

Dare Greatly is the name of Cadillac’s newest marketing campaign, the premise being that the traditional ways of living have changed, and we need to be unconventional, more inclusive of others, and transcend the old image of corporate America, which often involved working in cubicles and retreating to the golf course on weekends. Cadillac wants to capture the imagination of a more diverse audience seeking well-rounded lifestyles and enjoying a life in balance – it’s not about impressing anyone. They still prefer quality products with fast delivery that do not interfere with their busy lives. The Dare Greatly crowd also wants to share their optimism for the future with their own children and grandchildren.

Cadillac’s fresh philosophy inspired AquaNew to update its own Mission Statement.