New Mobility Fuel: For Hydroxy ICE Vehicles – AHA! Climate Discovery for November of 2023

October 21, 2023 — With the alternative-fuel revolution, consumers have more vehicle power choices than ever before. There are ICE (internal combustion engines), electricity (battery), gasoline-electric hybrid, diesel-electric hybrid, hydrogen, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (propane), biofuels, and synthetic gas.

For over two years, my 1999 Subaru Outback is a Hydroxy ICE vehicle. What is that? It is an internal combustion engine (ICE) that runs on the new mobility fuel, DiTetra Gas-treated gasoline. Diesel and aviation fuel (kerosene) also can be treated with DiTetra Gas. My faithful Subaru that has been around the block many times (six-figure miles on the odometer), runs cleaner and goes farther per gallon on treated fuel with lower thermal heat emissions. Plus the DiTetra Gas additive to make “Cool Fuel” is very economical with financial savings on both fuel costs and car engine maintenance.

My husband, Rob, infuses DiTetra Gas into our mobile fuel tanks so we have a fleet supply. The Chevy Sprinter van used to deliver Watt-Ahh is a Hydroxy ICE vehicle and also runs on Cool Fuel (renewable DiTetra Gas). The photo shows the technology messaging on the van.

All of the 2023 “Ahh! Climate” Series can be found here.

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