AquaNew – Nine Year Anniversary

workshop-other1016Do you keep a diary? I do and have done so for decades … way before November of 2007 when we first launched Watt-Ahh® bottled water into the market. The first production of bottled Watt-Ahh® took place the end of October of 2007 at Keystone Bottling in Lake Placid, Florida. Prior to that time, and starting in 2006, Rob Gourley built prototype water gas machines and bubbled the “home brew” in his workshop shown below. Up to 20-gallon jugs of distilled water were bubbled one jug at a time each week, and we handed them out to family and friends for free to try. Now, Rob bubbles an average of 10,000 gallons of ultra-pure water on a monthly basis. Rob’s workshop is not yet iconic like those shown in the photo to the right; but, we stay positive on the promise and legacy of the WIT Technology.

workshop-rgaquanew1016A diary goes beyond business spreadsheets. It can give an emotional spin with special nuances on growing a business during the same timeline of your own life’s events (both celebrations and disappointments) with a backdrop of major nationwide events (e.g., 911). Your emphasis in your own diary may be more centric to either raising your children or learning a new career path. I love telling people that AquaNew was born during the eve of the Great Recession and made it through with college, has her own apartment, and she pays her bills … but she still owes on her college education!  I am sure the Iconic Workshops went through similar development stages.

Rob and I appreciate the best part of AquaNew – its wonderful customers. We also express our deepest appreciation to those who invested in AquaNew, and to our patient and supportive family.