Science / Research

AquaNew remains on the cutting edge of water-related technologies.

AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery for May 2016: Elon Musk’s High-Speed Hyperloop

My husband and I have an ongoing debate – whether or not we’ll get to experience teleportation in our lifetime. And while the ability to transport ourselves from one place to another without bothering with the space between is still a far off dream, at least we’re one step closer to magically traveling at speeds of …

AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery for May 2016: Elon Musk’s High-Speed Hyperloop Read More »

AquaNew’s Polarized Water and WIT Machines Featured in Both the Natural Products Insider and Supply Side Events Facebook

Natural Products Insider is the premier resource for marketers, manufacturers and formulators of dietary supplements, health foods and cosmeceuticals, providing contemporary and evidence-based information to those in the global nutrition industry. Both AquaNew’s Polarized Water and WIT Machines were featured in a recent article in the Natural Products Insider. In turn, the article was re-posted …

AquaNew’s Polarized Water and WIT Machines Featured in Both the Natural Products Insider and Supply Side Events Facebook Read More »

Showcasing the Newest WIT Machine at the Ingredient Marketplace Expo

WIT International is working diligently with its machine manufacturer, RK Mechanical, Inc., to unveil the new, smaller four-cell machine at the Ingredient Marketplace Expo in Orlando, FL this month. The larger machine versions (10 and 80 cells) are currently in operation at several medical clinics and at a water bottling plant located in the Tampa, …

Showcasing the Newest WIT Machine at the Ingredient Marketplace Expo Read More »

WIT International Introduces its Newest Machine for Producing Polarized Water at the “Mind of the Consumer” Expo in Orlando (Plus: An Exclusive Offer to Customers!)

AquaNew’s R&D Partner, WIT International, intends to unveil its newest machine for producing Polarized Water at the Supply Side’s 2016 Ingredient Marketplace Expo this April. Polarized Water is the best ingredient for improving or designing new nutraceutical products to meet growing customer demand for health-wise products. CEO and Inventor Rob Gourley will be available at …

WIT International Introduces its Newest Machine for Producing Polarized Water at the “Mind of the Consumer” Expo in Orlando (Plus: An Exclusive Offer to Customers!) Read More »

AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery for March 2016: Marine Scientists Discover a New Species of Octopod

Isn’t it AHH-mazing? After all this time living on planet Earth, we’re still making discoveries. This time, the scientific team operating NOAA’s Deep Discoverer ROV (remotely operated vehicle) discovered an octopod more than 2 ½ miles underwater in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Scientists found what may be a new species and possibly a new …

AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery for March 2016: Marine Scientists Discover a New Species of Octopod Read More »

Summary of BioFlorida’s Wound Care Management Event, February 2016

WIT International was a sponsor of BioFlorida’s Wound Care Management Event. Over 50 healthcare practitioners and innovators attended the event held at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Auditorium to learn from representatives of companies – both major and startup – who manufacture wound care products (Their corporate headquarters  are located within Sarasota County, FL). The Panel included …

Summary of BioFlorida’s Wound Care Management Event, February 2016 Read More »

What is Watt-Ahh®? (Health and Product Development Benefits of Polarized Water)

AquaNew’s Polarized Water is the best ingredient for improving the efficacy of any product, including water purification, food production, energy drinks, holistic health, wound care and cosmetics. Pictured here are some of the products available on the market using the WIT (Polarized Water) Technology, including AquaNew’s Watt-Ahh®, bottled ultra-pure Polarized Water, which has been on the …

What is Watt-Ahh®? (Health and Product Development Benefits of Polarized Water) Read More »

AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery for February 2016: Researchers Discover a Link Between the Brain and the Immune System

Thank you, Robin Eastham of Virginia, for sending in this month’s “AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery” for February. Researchers at the University of Virginia (UV) School of Medicine have discovered a connection between the brain and our immune system which could affect the way in which we treat neurological diseases such as autism, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis. …

AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery for February 2016: Researchers Discover a Link Between the Brain and the Immune System Read More »

AquaNew’s Spotlight on AHH-Mazing “AHA!” Discoveries

You know you’ve experienced it – that special “AHA!” moment of realization that seems to hit you when you least expect it. Some find it through meditation, self-reflection, brainstorming, creative pursuits, or spending time in nature. We had our own “AHA!” moment one evening this time last year when AquaNew sponsored an ingenuity event in Sarasota. Keynote …

AquaNew’s Spotlight on AHH-Mazing “AHA!” Discoveries Read More »