Science / Research

AquaNew remains on the cutting edge of water-related technologies.

The Elusive Higgs Boson as a Fundamental Building Block of the Universe (or “The God Particle”)

Ahh-mazing “AHA” Discovery for April 2015 During a 2013 interview, former Edinburgh University Professor Peter Higgs calmly said he was annoyed when colleagues told him that his white paper had “no obvious relevance in physics” back in the 1960s. He said he took the “scenic route” in learning about other fields of physics in his …

The Elusive Higgs Boson as a Fundamental Building Block of the Universe (or “The God Particle”) Read More »

The Second Fish Growth Experiment and Watt-Ahh® Wins Again!

Back in the Fall of 2012, we shared with you the second fish growth experiment conducted by Marine Biologist Katie Kopinski. Since many of our AquaNew customers enjoy sharing their own Watt-Ahh® experiments with us, we thought this warranted revisiting! We invite you to let us know about your own official or unofficial Ahh-Mazing Watt-Ahh® experiment! …

The Second Fish Growth Experiment and Watt-Ahh® Wins Again! Read More »

High-Energy Form of Water: Improving the Nutritional Bioavailability in Food Crops

AquaNew CEO Rob Gourley enjoyed presenting his theories on improving hydroponic farming using the high-energy form of Water on Tuesday evening, January 22, 2015. It was an interactive evening with a full-capacity crowd at the Gabriel Center in Sarasota, Florida. They questioned Rob on the status of the water ion machines for home use, the benefits of …

High-Energy Form of Water: Improving the Nutritional Bioavailability in Food Crops Read More »

Beyond the Nutrition Facts Chart, Part II: Secret of Natural Energy

Almost a century ago, Viktor Schauberger, an author who wrote about the Secrets of Natual Energy, studied the trout’s ability to jump up high waterfalls with little apparent effort (the same is true of salmon). After observing a large trout confronting a waterfall during spawning time on a moonlit early spring night, Schauberger wrote that a …

Beyond the Nutrition Facts Chart, Part II: Secret of Natural Energy Read More »

Beyond the Nutrition Facts Chart: Molecular Water Structure

  Amid the many choices in the grocery aisles, we have provided some guidance on what to look for in bottled water over the past few weeks. It appears that water purity is important to support good health, and perhaps alkaline pH and micro-clusters of water, not so much. Many scientists have the opinion that …

Beyond the Nutrition Facts Chart: Molecular Water Structure Read More »

AquaNew’s Rob Gourley on the Air with Dr. Ken Grey and Health Coach Carol Maglio

Don’t miss the Health in Balance Show on Sunday, July 20, 2014 at 9 a.m. ET, WZZR 94.3 FM Real Radio. Last Spring, we met the caring women behind Healing Buddies for Breast Cancer at a complementary health conference. They in turn, introduced Watt-Ahh® to Dr Ken Grey and Carol Maglio during their interview on the Health in Balance radio show. Team Grey and …

AquaNew’s Rob Gourley on the Air with Dr. Ken Grey and Health Coach Carol Maglio Read More »