Lori’s Natural Food Spring Fest – AquaNew’s Booth in Rochester, N.Y.

Al Cohen - Watt-Ahh Fan

Submitted By: Morgan Wesson of Victor, N.Y., good friend of both Alan Cohen and AquaNew’s founder, Rob Gourley

Alan Cohen was there, as a volunteer with just one product. He wanted to share a bottled water he’s been using. “I hand people a brochure, and I make ’em drink it,” said Cohen, as a group lined up at the AquaNew booth to try Watt-Ahh®. Cohen shared his own testimonial with AquaNew about two years ago. 

Lori’s Natural Food occasionally lets unknown startups including AquaNew use its shelves, if the Lori’s staff likes the product. Big box food and drink sellers can demand stiff fees for product placement, but little outfits like the up and coming Florida-based AquaNew can’t afford that. The chance to sell at Lori’s was a godsend. Content to grow market share near its Sarasota home base, AquaNew’s blue labeled Watt-Ahh® bottles sits along the bottom shelf in the water department at Lori’s, the first store above the Mason-Dixon Line to sell Watt-Ahh®. Lori’s led the way so that Watt-Ahh® is now available at more natural foods stores located in other States including Virginia and Michigan.

The Fizz is Gone: Watt-Ahh® Replacing Carbonated Beverages

“My two teenage daughters do not leave the store without a case of this,” Spring Fest goer Karen Palmer says, holding her cup out to Cohen for seconds. In May 2014, the Age of Soda in the US is showing its age. Carbonated products high in fructose or artificial sweeteners are losing sales in the low single digits each year. Watt-Ahh®, by contrast, is a noncarbonated, ultra-filtered, electron-enriched pure water, free of the chemicals used in municipal water systems. Karen Palmer buys Watt-Ahh® for what’s not in it, and because it tastes good to her teenage girls. 

watt-ahh fansNext, Cohen faces Nathan Bradley’s mom. While her thirteen-year-old son waits patiently, she questions Watt-Ahh®’s production process and possible additives. Nathan is an allergy sufferer: “Peanuts, shellfish, pork, corn, gluten and wheat…” lists Nathan, who gets a green light to try Watt-Ahh®. “Tastes good,” pronounces Nathan, whose favorite sport is cross-country skiing. His school near his home in Ionia, NY is Honeoye Falls-Lima, which has one of the best cross-country ski teams in the State. Watt-Ahh®, Cohen tells Nathan, has a pH matching the body’s bloodstream. It’s a favorite among endurance sports buffs who need to rehydrate fast. 

Watt-Ahh® for Detoxification and Cell Health

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACohen himself is a sixty-one-year-old registered nurse. He takes twenty-two pills a day for multiple myeloma and severe heartburn: “Twelve pills in the morning and ten at night, always with Watt-Ahh®. And I work full time!” says Cohen. His favorite activities are hiking with his dogs, snowshoeing, skiing, and mountain biking. “I drank a liter of Watt-Ahh® today on my bike ride,” he adds. 

Cohen’s myeloma is carefully monitored. “That’s cancer of the blood. It attacks a plasma, immunoglobulin, some of which goes rogue,” says Cohen. Diagnosed in July 2008, Cohen’s medical problem arrived just as Watt-Ahh® hit the market. At age fifty-five he began drinking it every day. A few years ago, researchers at a leading University in Florida tested Watt-Ahh® against a Florida tap water. They confirmed a 600% increase in the absorption of vitamin C using Watt-Ahh®, and an 800% uptick for iron absorption. There were no clinical studies yet on how medication is absorbed with Watt-Ahh®, but that early data caught Cohen’s eye.

Cohen, a grandfather with three kids of his own, takes time to pour Nathan Bradley a second cup: “It tastes great!” says Cohen, with a smile.

Morgan Wesson has been drinking Polarized Water starting back in 2006 when his friend, Gourley, bubbled water in his workshop and mailed him a milk jug containing the special water without any brand or company pedigree on the jug.
Thank you, Morgan and Alan, for volunteering for a second year at the Lori’s Spring Fest and introducing Watt-Ahh® to more people in the Rochester, N.Y. Area.