WIT Machines

WIT Machine at Revive Sarasota

April 30, 2024 — Carolyn Hendler and Dr. Alex Smithers now offer therapies using a WIT Machine by appointment located at their clinic  in the Pen West Park campus near the Fruitville Road and North Tuttle Avenue intersection in Downtown Sarasota, FL. (address: 2805 Fruitville Road, Ste. 250, Sarasota, FL.  34237 located west of Dodge …

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What is Polarized Water? Watt-Ahh and DiTetra Gas Explained

Or is it just water? Not! April 13, 2024 — DiTetra Gas is a bio-active gas (or bioenergetic gas), we call the Fifth State of Water, that has huge implications in boosting mitochondric energy for healing, recovery, immune support against diseases and active oxygen delivery for optimum performance. DiTetra Gas is delivered to the body …

What is Polarized Water? Watt-Ahh and DiTetra Gas Explained Read More »

Magnetism, Electrons and Muons – More Evidence of Homeopathy

March 12, 2024 – After decades of chasing the DiTetra Gas molecule, AquaNew’s Rob Gourley discovered rare Earth magnets are needed. Magnetism adds subatomic particles (electrons and protons) associated with the oxygen and hydrogen to create the active form of water that we call the “Fifth State of Water”. The ormus or high-speed electron spin …

Magnetism, Electrons and Muons – More Evidence of Homeopathy Read More »

Centner Wellness of Miami, FL. – Transformative Wellness with the WIT Machine

March 4, 2024 – In this new video, Leila Centner, one of the founders of Centner Wellness and Spa chose a few of her favorite devices for transformative wellness and the WIT Machine is one of them (starting at minute 0.20 of the video). Centner Wellness is located in Downtown Miami. About a year ago, …

Centner Wellness of Miami, FL. – Transformative Wellness with the WIT Machine Read More »

Policy vs. Market – AHA! Climate Discovery for December of 2023

October 24, 2023 – Climate support in sustainable energy has miscalculated its potential success. Over the span of this year’s blog series, Rob Gourley and I have realized some severe flaws in the lobbyists’ pronouncement that the end of fossil fuels is near. The first is the resistance to incorporate new technologies into alternative energy …

Policy vs. Market – AHA! Climate Discovery for December of 2023 Read More »

Clean Hydrogen: No Fracking – AHA! Climate Discovery for October of 2023

October 14, 2023 – After participating in the Reuters’ 2023 Hydrogen North America Conference to introduce the WIT Technology for Super Green Hydrogen last week, Rob and I came away with a new motto: “Do Not Frack Water to Release Hydrogen”. Hydrogen fracking as we call it, has similarities to hydraulic fracking used in the …

Clean Hydrogen: No Fracking – AHA! Climate Discovery for October of 2023 Read More »

Making Super Green Hydrogen is Cooler than Most Hydrogen … Plus More Economical

August 31, 2023 — Capturing hydrogen from electrolysis of either fossil fuels or water is extremely hot. The power grid to run the electrolyzers demands high intensity energy. It takes 0.146 kWh of DC electric current to produce 1 liter of hydrogen by high-temperature steam or the capture of hydrogen from fossil fuels using an …

Making Super Green Hydrogen is Cooler than Most Hydrogen … Plus More Economical Read More »

Future of Green Energy: Batteries vs. Hydrogen Fuel Cells – AHA! Climate Discovery for September of 2023

August 25, 2023 – Rob Gourley recommended in a recent podcast that the successful conversion from the dependence of fossil fuels to more green energy must involve working on many fronts over the next decades. Although he is in agreement with Elon Musk that the federal “turbofunding” of renewable energy seems to be excessive and …

Future of Green Energy: Batteries vs. Hydrogen Fuel Cells – AHA! Climate Discovery for September of 2023 Read More »

Super Green Hydrogen at National Conference

July 27, 2023 – WIT International will be exhibiting at Booth #7 during the Hydrogen North America 2023 conference on October 11 and 12, 2023 to be held in Houston, TX. Goldman Sachs predicts hydrogen will be a “boom market” by 2030 and will have a major role in “decarbonizing America’s power market”. The conference …

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