
Staying hydrated and fast recovery is important to athletes. Watt-ahh is absorbed at a cellular level up to 3% faster than regular water.

Meet AquaNew Co-inventor and Founder: Robinson B. Gourley Jr.

Robinson (“Rob”) B. Gourley has a good sense of humor and laughs when asked about AquaNew’s website introduction. His digitized character walks through a thunder storm talking in his voice about the atomic change to water. “It originated from a long scientific interview.” Rob said. “The videographer became bored in editing and created this ‘Avatar’ …

Meet AquaNew Co-inventor and Founder: Robinson B. Gourley Jr. Read More »

AquaNew Offers a Healthy Solution to the Bloomberg/Coca-Cola Debate

AquaNew has a solution to address NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed ban on supersized-sugary drinks. As part of Bloomberg’s campaign against obesity, his proposal would make it illegal for restaurants, movie theaters and food carts from selling soda in cups larger than 16 oz. Excessive? Quite possibly, but we at AquaNew think there is a better …

AquaNew Offers a Healthy Solution to the Bloomberg/Coca-Cola Debate Read More »

American Heart Association Study Links Sugary Drinks to Increased Heart Disease Risk for Women

American Heart Association Study Links Sugary Drinks to Increased Heart Disease Risk for Women The Journal of The American Heart Association (AHA) recently published findings of a study performed on 4,000 women with ages ranging between 45 to 84 years old, who drank at least two sugar-sweetened beverages each day.  The AHA reported that women …

American Heart Association Study Links Sugary Drinks to Increased Heart Disease Risk for Women Read More »

Holistic Veterinary Alternatives – Integrated Care

Watt-Ahh® and AquaNew® have found many like-minded people in Sarasota, Florida, and we delight in sharing ideas with “out-of-the-box” thinkers relative to improving the health of all people and animals. When we first met Dr. Jaime Gonzalez, (and his charming wife, Susan Blake Gonzalez), we were thrilled to find that they combine alternative modalities together …

Holistic Veterinary Alternatives – Integrated Care Read More »