
Sustainable Immunity or How Ancient Humans Survived Against Diseases – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for December 2021

October 1, 2021: For the last chapter in our Immunity Series (December 2021), we want to focus on sustainable immunity. It has been a roller-coaster year on the sensitive topic of immunity. When we launched this series back in January of 2021, we offered these questions: “Can natural substances boost our immunity for optimum T-cell …

Sustainable Immunity or How Ancient Humans Survived Against Diseases – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for December 2021 Read More »

Eyes and the Sunshine Vitamin — AHA! Discovery for April of 2021

February 16, 2021: Classically, Vitamin D is known for supporting strong bones and muscles. The role of Vitamin D has expanded to include critical immune support according to multiple recent studies during the COVID pandemic. The Vitamin D receptor is expressed on T-cells, B-cells and other immunologic cells which is capable of synthesizing Vitamin D. …

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Pow-Ahh Immunity with Vitamin C and Watt-Ahh – AHA! Discovery for February of 2021

January 2020 – Combining your daily Vitamin C supplement with Watt-Ahh will improve the bioavailability into cells … both faster and at a higher absorption volume into the blood stream. Results from the University of Florida (UF) research project, dated 5/3/11, showed substantially elevated occurrences when Watt-Ahh was compared with campus drinking water by using …

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Pow-Ahh Immunity – 2021 AHA! Discovery Series

For the 2021 AHA! Discovery Series, we focus on immunity and ways to naturally super-charge our immunity  … over-the-counter supplements and clean foods that are neither delivered by a prescription pad nor through a needle injection. The optimum natural way for delivery in our opinion is Watt-Ahh Polarized Water. So we named the new series …

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Optimum T-cell Response to Vaccines – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for January of 2021

December 12, 2020 – Can natural substances boost our immunity for optimum T-cell response to a vaccine and with less potential side effects? Can “natural immunity” without the prescription pad sustain us if there is a delay in getting a vaccine? In preparation of getting a vaccine, what can we do? If I am a …

Optimum T-cell Response to Vaccines – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for January of 2021 Read More »

Summary of COVID Recovery Survey

Over the past several months, we have often wondered if Watt-Ahh Polarized Water helped our customers in their body’s immunity response. Did the Polarized Water have a role in stabilizing hydrogen peroxide produced by T-cell defense and increasing oxygen levels in blood to prevent the virus in getting a foothold inside the body? With a …

Summary of COVID Recovery Survey Read More »

Memory T-cells vs. Antibodies for Protection Against Corona Viruses

You might have heard more about T-cells on the immune response to COVID-19 lately in the news. The development of COVID-19 vaccines and the related ongoing trials are going warp speed, costing billions of dollars. Sadly, vaccines that stimulate antibodies may only have a temporary protective response. It has been recently discovered that “memory T-cells”, …

Memory T-cells vs. Antibodies for Protection Against Corona Viruses Read More »