
Bio-Ghost Gases – Nitric Oxide Gas and DiTetra Gas

What are Bio-Ghost Gases? During this Halloween season, we may think “ghost gases” are part of a dense fog that rolls across an eerie swamp. The term “Bio-Ghost Gases” are those that are discovered by scientists to be essential for our health. It is a different paradigm to consider how we rely on gas absorption …

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Flood Your Body with Electrons to Reverse Cellular Damage from 5G and EMF Exposure

Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner (FDN-P) Wendy Myers, who is the founder of the Myers Detox Center and Supplement Store located in Los Angeles, CA., recently identified drinking Watt-Ahh as one of her top four tips for reversing EMF damage. Wendy has an impressive You Tube Channel with over 460 podcasts and more than 26,000 subscribers. …

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Hydration Respiration II – Hazards of In-Flight Dehydration

WIT Technology used to make Watt-Ahh can assist in Hydration Respiration under extreme elevational conditions. This chapter focuses on in-flight dehydration risk to both commercial pilots and their passengers. Breathing dry cabin air with reduced oxygen and desert-like low humidity, causes considerable water loss in respiration. A 1-2% decrease in total body water content can …

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Skipping Stones Throughout the Body – Kidney Stones and More

Calcium oxalate crystals not only form kidney stones but can also accumulate in other parts of the body. Oxalates are present in both vegetables and fruits and also byproducts of molds in our body (e.g., Candida). Besides kidney stones, high oxalates can cause more health issues within other organs of the body causing heart abnormalities, …

Skipping Stones Throughout the Body – Kidney Stones and More Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Mitochondric Life — AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for September of 2019

Mitochondric Living is the best way to understand the essential electrical conductance that Watt-Ahh delivers to your body. AquaNew’s Rob Gourley discovered how to add electrons to structured water. Rob states … “The body needs energy to heal. Regular water does not have the electrical charge to cross the cellular membrane. Watt-Ahh does have the …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Mitochondric Life — AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for September of 2019 Read More »

International Watt-Ahh – It Can Be Worth the Wait (Plus Hassle and Expense)

International shipping is tricky. We have had persistently focused customers who hire exporters to ship pallets of Watt-Ahh to their home countries including Canada, U.K., China and Sweden. The most recent is a pallet arrived by ship to the Netherlands.  Gio (our customer and shipper for the international portion of the pallet journey) sent this …

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How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: The Water of Ages – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for July of 2019

Could our DNA be hacked? Longevity trends project a longer life span for Baby Boomers when compared with that of subsequent generations. Sadly, with the onset of diseases at earlier ages, our children and grandchildren may experience on average, shorter life spans when compared to those of their senior relatives. Could successive degeneration of DNA …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: The Water of Ages – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for July of 2019 Read More »

Saving Trekkers’ Lives on Mt. Everest – WIT Technology Delivers Hydration Respiration at High Elevations

A Perfect Storm happened this hiking season on Mt. Everest. A combination of rookie climbers, unqualified Sherpas (guides), unexpected bad weather, limited oxygen supplies and other factors contributed to the high mortality rate. It is estimated that there were over 800 hikers on the mountain at one time this month. The NY Times wrote .. …

Saving Trekkers’ Lives on Mt. Everest – WIT Technology Delivers Hydration Respiration at High Elevations Read More »


After AquaNew received the U.S. trademark approval for the brand name of Watt-Ahh for the polarized water, we were fascinated to learn about the Wattah! Wattah! Festival that is held each June within the Philippines. It is a major water celebration with a religious blessing of baptism. Fire hoses spray the crowds, drenching everyone who …

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