Ahh-Mazing Discoveries

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Inside Look at the Longevity Business — MAYBE an AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for August of 2019

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not consider aging a disease. Consequently, many products currently on the market that pitch slower aging may not activate the longevity pathways in humans. Excitement over the next longevity pill … why not since everyone wants a long, healthy life? … likely will diminish since the pill …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Inside Look at the Longevity Business — MAYBE an AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for August of 2019 Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: The Water of Ages – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for July of 2019

Could our DNA be hacked? Longevity trends project a longer life span for Baby Boomers when compared with that of subsequent generations. Sadly, with the onset of diseases at earlier ages, our children and grandchildren may experience on average, shorter life spans when compared to those of their senior relatives. Could successive degeneration of DNA …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: The Water of Ages – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for July of 2019 Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Futuristic Creative Ann Cassidy – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for June of 2019

Our mother, Ann Cassidy, is a Futuristic Creative. She lived trends before they were popular and her creativity continues to escalate even when she starts her 9th decade in July. My siblings, Lisa and Keith, helped with a list of futuristic trends below. Back in the early 1970’s, Ann became a single mother raising three …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Futuristic Creative Ann Cassidy – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for June of 2019 Read More »

Superionic Ice – Or is it Plasma Gas?

The May 2019 edition of National Geo has an article about “Superionic Ice” that may occur on some outer planets. Supposedly, the “super” ice was recently created at a laboratory for only a nanosecond applying several thousand degrees below typical freezing temperature on Earth and pressures equivalent to that of other planets. Physicist Marius Millot …

Superionic Ice – Or is it Plasma Gas? Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Nature’s “Wonder and Awe” and Closeup on Blue Zone Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for April of 2019

One of our health-wise customers told us about Marine Biologist Dr. Wallace Nichols and his Blue Mind concept. Dr. Nichols has theories on how either our experiences with water or recall of our good memories of water can make us feel more balanced, centered and inspired in our confusing, stressful world. This month, we highlight …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Nature’s “Wonder and Awe” and Closeup on Blue Zone Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for April of 2019 Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Non-oxidized Fats and Closeup on Blue Zone Island of Ikaria, Greece – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for March of 2019

Ikaria is another “Blue Zone” mountainous island. It is one of the many Greek islands in the Aegean Sea but closer to mainland Turkey than Athens, Greece. Since we are talking about Greece, over half the dietary calories of the island’s long-standing senior residents come from fats, primarily olive oil and feta cheese. We may …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Non-oxidized Fats and Closeup on Blue Zone Island of Ikaria, Greece – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for March of 2019 Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life – 2019 “Long Jet” AHA! Discoveries

This is a summary of our 2019 monthly series on “Long-Jet”, short for Longevity … or secrets for a longer and healthier life. We dedicate this year’s longevity series to Ann Cassidy, AquaNew COO Dana Gourley’s mother. She will be celebrating the start of her ninth decade of an amazing life … filled with family, …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life – 2019 “Long Jet” AHA! Discoveries Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Closeup on Blue Zone Island of Sardinia, Italy and Cistus Tea – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for February of 2019

We continue our new monthly series on “Long-Jet”, short for Longevity. We provide a closeup on the next Blue Zone: the Island of Sardinia as well as a tea from the Mediterranean rockrose plant that grows on the island. One of our primary sources for this monthly series is National Geographic’s “Blue Zones … The …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Closeup on Blue Zone Island of Sardinia, Italy and Cistus Tea – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for February of 2019 Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Closeup on Blue Zone Village of Motobu, Okinawa Japan and 500-Year Old Native Japanese Tea Trees – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for January of 2019

For the New Year, we are launching a new monthly series on “Long-Jet”, short for Longevity. There are life forms such as trees that have lasted for five centuries. For the human race, scientists have identified “Blue Zones” in certain locations around the World, where there is a higher incidence of individuals living into their …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Closeup on Blue Zone Village of Motobu, Okinawa Japan and 500-Year Old Native Japanese Tea Trees – AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for January of 2019 Read More »

2018 – “No Fear” Year

Part of AquaNew’s mission statement is to support those in recovery and to “bravely seek” with others the new horizon for sustainable health. The mission statement recognizes our customers’ busy lives who are discerning about their health, willing to share their own incredible life journey, and have optimism for the future. We honor those who …

2018 – “No Fear” Year Read More »