Science / Research

AquaNew remains on the cutting edge of water-related technologies.

Could the Recent Discovery of a Faulty Gene Unlock the Obesity Mystery?

Could a faulty gene be responsible for those extra seven pounds that can be so difficult to get rid of? According to recent research, scientists at MIT and Harvard University are finding that an individual’s diet, and insufficient exercise, may not be totally to blame. An estimated 1 in 6 people have a version of the FTO …

Could the Recent Discovery of a Faulty Gene Unlock the Obesity Mystery? Read More »

Earth 2.0

NASA Makes an Ahh-Mazing AHA! Discovery: Earth’s Older and Bigger Cousin  While NASA has confirmed another Earth-like planet in the “habitable zone” around a star much like our sun, I wouldn’t pack my bags just yet. Kepler-452B is one of a dozen newly discovered, similarly small, and potentially livable planets in our quest to find a new …

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A Better, Cleaner World Through Blue Technology – The Original “Green” (Introducing New Home Page for WIT International, LLC)

WIT International, LLC or “WIT” is AquaNew’s sister company that oversees research on the Water Ion Technology and placement of WIT® Machines under licensing agreements. WIT announced the unveiling of its new Home Page that showcases the new machines. Last month, we had an article on the installation and operation of WIT® Machines at a couple …

A Better, Cleaner World Through Blue Technology – The Original “Green” (Introducing New Home Page for WIT International, LLC) Read More »

Philae Comet Landing: Is There Life on Comet 67P?

An Ahh-Mazing AHA! Discovery Several Steps Outside the Scientific Mainstream It may have taken the European Space Agency lander, Philae, more than six months to awaken after his bumpy landing on the shady side of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko last November, but boy did he have a message to share when his solar panels recharged. According to the data being …

Philae Comet Landing: Is There Life on Comet 67P? Read More »

First WIT (Water Ion Technologies) Machine Arrives and Is Installed in a Medical Clinic in Sarasota, FL

Part-time resident of Sarasota, Florida, Rick Kinning, has a strong opinion that the quality of freshwater is critical for worldwide health. Over the past year, his leadership and start-up financing made it possible to convert Rob Gourley’s water ion machine prototypes into new age machines ready for manufacturing. “Very few inventors ever see their machines …

First WIT (Water Ion Technologies) Machine Arrives and Is Installed in a Medical Clinic in Sarasota, FL Read More »

Healthier Sanitation (Part 2) – Stability of Compounds in Structured Polarized Water

Ahh-mazing “AHA” Discovery for June 2015 In our first article, “Healthier Sanitation,” we discussed how very low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide in water solution is the best nature-based form of sanitation (our own bodies produce hydrogen peroxide). However, stability is a challenge since hydrogen peroxide will rapidly decompose to hydrogen and water. The groundbreaking discovery …

Healthier Sanitation (Part 2) – Stability of Compounds in Structured Polarized Water Read More »

Healthier Sanitation: Ahh-mazing AHA! Discovery for June 2015 (Part 1)

A major chlorine-bleach manufacturer wants you to believe that a surface is only clean if bleach is used. This bold statement appears in aggressive advertising campaigns. This is the link to one of their commercials currently airing on TV … Really? We do recognize sanitation safeguards against the spread of diseases are important for our …

Healthier Sanitation: Ahh-mazing AHA! Discovery for June 2015 (Part 1) Read More »

Could Cardiac Disease Caused by Plaque Buildup in the Arteries (Atherosclerosis) Result From an Early Form of Scurvy?

Longtime Watt-Ahh® customer, Noel Marbois, sent us a link to this thought-provoking press release submitted by the Dr. Rath Research Institute in California. Scientists at the institute recently published a groundbreaking study in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease providing evidence to support the theory that heart disease is an early form of scurvy, a …

Could Cardiac Disease Caused by Plaque Buildup in the Arteries (Atherosclerosis) Result From an Early Form of Scurvy? Read More »

The Mystery of Glacial Blood Falls (May’s AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery)

For the first time, scientists have discovered the mystery behind the Blood Falls in Antarctica’s Dry Valleys. In an extremely dry, cold and windy climate, life exists in the form of water twice as salty as seawater and rust-colored brine bacteria. Once considered an anomaly, the Blood Falls now appears to be a portal to a sub …

The Mystery of Glacial Blood Falls (May’s AHH-mazing AHA! Discovery) Read More »