DiTetra Gas

Mitochondric Life – 2020 AHA! Discovery Series

For the 2020 AHA! Discovery Series, we want to continue our study on one of the functional foundations of life … the cellular mitochondria. Life and healing requires mitochondria energy. We call the 2020 series … Mitochondric Life! Below are the article links for each month: January 2020: DiTetra Gas – Essential Basics for Mitochondric …

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Life Force Significance of 2-4 – AHA! Mitochondric Life Discovery for January of 2020

We are kicking off the 2020 Mitochondric Life series with the essential basics. Cellular mitochondria require 2 oxygen, 4 hydrogen and two electrons in the final step of ATP (adenosine triphosphate)  production. ATP is the universal life force of energy. DiTetra Gas is 2-4 Gas (2 oxygen and 4 hydrogen plus electrons). It is the …

Life Force Significance of 2-4 – AHA! Mitochondric Life Discovery for January of 2020 Read More »

DiTetra Gas

The Fifth State of Water, DiTetra Gas, was recently approved as a registered Trademark by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. DiTetra Gas (2-oxygen and 4-hydrogen) is the active ingredient in Watt-Ahh bottled water. DiTetra Gas when infused into ultra-pure water, creates a stable crystalline-like structure flooded with extra electrons for mitochondrial energy. DiTetra Gas …

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Health Revival Update – October of 2019

Over a year ago, we published a post entitled “Health Revival Update”. Some of the video links about patient testimonials using the WIT Machines have been posted on YouTube and we wanted to share below. Dr. Campbell has a WIT Machine, operating in his clinic located in Hollywood, FL. We keep a close working relationship …

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What is Polarized Water? Watt-Ahh and DiTetra Gas Explained

Or is it just water? Not! DiTetra Gas is a bio-active gas (or bioenergetic gas), we call the Fifth State of Water, that has huge implications in boosting mitochondric energy for healing, recovery, immune support against diseases and oxygen delivery for optimum performance. DiTetra Gas is delivered to the body either by drinking Watt-Ahh Polarized …

What is Polarized Water? Watt-Ahh and DiTetra Gas Explained Read More »

Bio-Ghost Gases – Nitric Oxide Gas and DiTetra Gas

What are Bio-Ghost Gases? During this Halloween season, we may think “ghost gases” are part of a dense fog that rolls across an eerie swamp. The term “Bio-Ghost Gases” are those that are discovered by scientists to be essential for our health. It is a different paradigm to consider how we rely on gas absorption …

Bio-Ghost Gases – Nitric Oxide Gas and DiTetra Gas Read More »

Hydration Respiration III – How to STEM Military Suicides

WIT Technology (DiTetra Gas) used to make the Polarized Water (Watt-Ahh) can assist in Hydration Respiration under extreme hiking at high elevational conditions as well as super dry environments of commercial flights. Another extreme environment is submarine duty in the Navy. Not only are the deep-ocean elevations extreme but the living environment inside the submarine …

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Flood Your Body with Electrons to Reverse Cellular Damage from 5G and EMF Exposure

Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist Practitioner (FDN-P) Wendy Myers, who is the founder of the Myers Detox Center and Supplement Store located in Los Angeles, CA., recently identified drinking Watt-Ahh as one of her top four tips for reversing EMF damage. Wendy has an impressive You Tube Channel with over 460 podcasts and more than 26,000 subscribers. …

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Interview of Researcher and National Speaker Sterling Hill by Marf, Founder and Host of Marfoogle News and TV on August 17, 2019

Sterling Hill is a well-known expert in epigenetic expressions that are non-genetic influences that prevent certain genes from being expressed. She has created genetic apps (over 2,000 genes) used by health practitioners to pinpoint pathways from either diet, environmental toxins (e.g., glyphosate exposure) or EMF-emission factors (e.g., 5G) that have compromised DNA. Sterling is an …

Interview of Researcher and National Speaker Sterling Hill by Marf, Founder and Host of Marfoogle News and TV on August 17, 2019 Read More »

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Mitochondric Life — AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for September of 2019

Mitochondric Living is the best way to understand the essential electrical conductance that Watt-Ahh delivers to your body. AquaNew’s Rob Gourley discovered how to add electrons to structured water. Rob states … “The body needs energy to heal. Regular water does not have the electrical charge to cross the cellular membrane. Watt-Ahh does have the …

How to Live a Longer and Healthier Life: Mitochondric Life — AHA! Long-Jet Discovery for September of 2019 Read More »