Dana Gourley

Structure, Stability, Coherence and Ormus – Why Water Researcher and Author M J Pangman of Dancing with Water Thinks Watt-Ahh is Unique and Has All of These Properties

October 27, 2023 – Dr. Wendy Myers ND of Myers Detox interviewed M J Pangman. The podcast (scroll down the page to the banner shown to the left) starts with practical and inexpensive ways for anyone to improve the energy force of water and then kicks into high gear on the molecular uniqueness of Watt-Ahh. …

Structure, Stability, Coherence and Ormus – Why Water Researcher and Author M J Pangman of Dancing with Water Thinks Watt-Ahh is Unique and Has All of These Properties Read More »

What is a Combination of Ginger, Cinnamon and Clove Spices without any Pumpkin? It is the Iconic “Pumpkin Spice”!

October 24, 2023 — Pumpkin spice is seasonally used in breads, muffins, pumpkin pies, cereals, cookies and lattes but you may be interested in knowing that this special combination of spices has no pumpkin in it. Even Starbucks experimented with adding different amounts of ground pumpkin seed powder and ended up with a combination without …

What is a Combination of Ginger, Cinnamon and Clove Spices without any Pumpkin? It is the Iconic “Pumpkin Spice”! Read More »

Policy vs. Market – AHA! Climate Discovery for December of 2023

October 24, 2023 – Climate support in sustainable energy has miscalculated its potential success. Over the span of this year’s blog series, Rob Gourley and I have realized some severe flaws in the lobbyists’ pronouncement that the end of fossil fuels is near. The first is the resistance to incorporate new technologies into alternative energy …

Policy vs. Market – AHA! Climate Discovery for December of 2023 Read More »

New Mobility Fuel: For Hydroxy ICE Vehicles – AHA! Climate Discovery for November of 2023

October 21, 2023 — With the alternative-fuel revolution, consumers have more vehicle power choices than ever before. There are ICE (internal combustion engines), electricity (battery), gasoline-electric hybrid, diesel-electric hybrid, hydrogen, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (propane), biofuels, and synthetic gas. For over two years, my 1999 Subaru Outback is a Hydroxy ICE vehicle. What …

New Mobility Fuel: For Hydroxy ICE Vehicles – AHA! Climate Discovery for November of 2023 Read More »

Clean Hydrogen: No Fracking – AHA! Climate Discovery for October of 2023

October 14, 2023 – After participating in the Reuters’ 2023 Hydrogen North America Conference to introduce the WIT Technology for Super Green Hydrogen last week, Rob and I came away with a new motto: “Do Not Frack Water to Release Hydrogen”. Hydrogen fracking as we call it, has similarities to hydraulic fracking used in the …

Clean Hydrogen: No Fracking – AHA! Climate Discovery for October of 2023 Read More »

The Electric Water that Supercharges your Mitochondria with Oxygen – Dr. Wendy Myers, ND of Myers Detox Interviews AquaNew’s Rob Gourley

September 1, 2023 — Dr. Wendy says it best … “Get ready for an enlightening episode featuring Rob Gourley on the show, a return guest and the mastermind behind the ingenious WIT machine. This remarkable invention is responsible for producing Watt-Ahh, a drinkable water enriched with oxygen, hydrogen, and electrons, heralding the advent of the …

The Electric Water that Supercharges your Mitochondria with Oxygen – Dr. Wendy Myers, ND of Myers Detox Interviews AquaNew’s Rob Gourley Read More »