Dana Gourley

WIT Machine Available Again in the Sarasota/Venice, FL. Area

May 21, 2021: About five years ago, WIT International/AquaNew and Dr. John Monhollon of the Florida Integrative Medical Center hosted an open house to talk about healing energy and how DiTetra Gas is generated by a WIT Machine. DiTetra Gas, the Fifth State of Water that is infused into Watt-Ahh bottled water, can also be …

WIT Machine Available Again in the Sarasota/Venice, FL. Area Read More »

How to Effectively Use Watt-Ahh, the “Pow-Ahh Tiger” of Drinking Water – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for June of 2021

May 13, 2021: We like to think of Watt-Ahh as a “powerful and regal tiger” … given to the World in dire need of energy for healing and immunity. We offer recommendations on how to effectively use this active form of water that we have learned through the years of trying to understand its full …

How to Effectively Use Watt-Ahh, the “Pow-Ahh Tiger” of Drinking Water – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for June of 2021 Read More »

OZA Essentials Co. in Venice Fl. Sells Watt-Ahh

April of 2021. Some years ago, Rob and I visited Zuzana Shaw’s household in Venice, FL. It bustled with activity from those bringing in the best in health foods and therapies to help save Gordon (AG), her beloved husband’s life. Gordon used the WIT Machine installed in his bedroom for a couple of years as …

OZA Essentials Co. in Venice Fl. Sells Watt-Ahh Read More »

The Healthier “Raisin” – AHA! Discovery for May of 2021

April of 2021: In America, we are more familiar with raisins made from dried grapes. School children in the UK snack on the much-tarter dried blackcurrants (one word) which are botanically different from that of grapes (the latter in the genus Vitus and the former in genus Ribes for blackcurrants). The phytonutrients (or health-related plant-based …

The Healthier “Raisin” – AHA! Discovery for May of 2021 Read More »

First Transatlantic Flight in a Navy-Curtis Flying Boat – Banana Glue, Roll of Wire, New York Times Newspaper and Rickety Like Strawberry Crates

March 12, 2021, National Navy Aviation Museum, Pensacola, Fl. – Rob and I met with Museum Curator, Dina Linn, to show her photos of the Navy flying boats over 100 years ago. Rob and his cousins spent hours as children flipping through the pages of their grandfather’s photo album containing over 100 photos of the …

First Transatlantic Flight in a Navy-Curtis Flying Boat – Banana Glue, Roll of Wire, New York Times Newspaper and Rickety Like Strawberry Crates Read More »

Mythbusting the Hydrologic Water Cycle – Clouds, Rain and DiTetra Gas

February 2, 2021 — Ever wonder how clouds can produce so much rain, sometimes falling an inch or more at your home? Wiki describes rain as droplets of liquid water that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor. Supposedly, atmospheric water vapor comes from evapotranspiration (combination of surface water evaporation and transpiration from plants) that collect …

Mythbusting the Hydrologic Water Cycle – Clouds, Rain and DiTetra Gas Read More »

Eyes and the Sunshine Vitamin — AHA! Discovery for April of 2021

February 16, 2021: Classically, Vitamin D is known for supporting strong bones and muscles. The role of Vitamin D has expanded to include critical immune support according to multiple recent studies during the COVID pandemic. The Vitamin D receptor is expressed on T-cells, B-cells and other immunologic cells which is capable of synthesizing Vitamin D. …

Eyes and the Sunshine Vitamin — AHA! Discovery for April of 2021 Read More »

New Theory – Offsetting the Mitochondria Effects of Deuterium Water

January 19, 2020: Watt-Ahh has not undergone any artificial process to deplete hydrogen deuterium. On the topic of deuterium-depleted water, Rob Gourley, a mechanical engineer and inventor, has a new theory. He thinks the molecular structure of Watt-Ahh that is enriched with electrons may offset the effects of the neutron in deuterium. It is a …

New Theory – Offsetting the Mitochondria Effects of Deuterium Water Read More »