Dana Gourley

Solving Problems with Lollipops – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for October of 2021

August 14, 2021: One of my least fond childhood memories was trying to hide in the plumbing below the sink in the pediatrician examination room. I was trying to get away from the shot before both the doctor and nurse came back in. My anxiety over jabs started early and I even recall the kind …

Solving Problems with Lollipops – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for October of 2021 Read More »

Bubbles – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for September of 2021

August 12, 2021. Without bubbles, our immune systems would not work. We are more familiar with vitamin supplements and healthy foods that support our immune system but may also overlook the gas bubbles in the water we drink as part of our health regime? It is also important to breathe these atmospheric bio-health gases including …

Bubbles – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for September of 2021 Read More »

Nighttime Energy … or Nighty Night Mighty Mitochondria

We may not recognize that we need mitochondrial energy to wake up. Mitochondric Life as we like to call it, includes both our waking and sleeping hours. This revelation for us comes from a mother’s recent testimonial that we share below: “We heard about Watt-Ahh Polarized Water after years and years of treatment for my …

Nighttime Energy … or Nighty Night Mighty Mitochondria Read More »

Picking on Corn – AHA! Anti-Immunity Discovery for August of 2021

The Pow-Ahh Immunity Series this year so far have focused on healthy ways to build and sustain good immunity. We are turning the table so to speak on this chapter. One the mainstay ingredients in most Americans’ diets is corn. Many processed products are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup that actually can lead to …

Picking on Corn – AHA! Anti-Immunity Discovery for August of 2021 Read More »

Research in Eye Sight Rejuvenation Using WIT Technology

July of 2021: Over five years ago, Rob and I traveled to the Greater Miami, Florida Area to meet Dr. Walter Campbell at his clinic. My first impression of “Dr. Buck” (his preferred name) was from an enthusiastic bear hug and how much he reminded me of Christopher Lloyd, the energetic genius scientist in the …

Research in Eye Sight Rejuvenation Using WIT Technology Read More »

Dream Soda – Healthy/Hydrating with Huge Flavor

Mega-money is invested into beverage research laboratories trying to discover the perfect flavor profile for consumer loyalty … a deep dedication to the soda product that motivates customers to buy again and again. I cannot presume knowing that perfect combination but for in my dream soda, the main ingredient would be Watt-Ahh. Of course, Watt-Ahh …

Dream Soda – Healthy/Hydrating with Huge Flavor Read More »

Not Everyone is On Vacation in Florida … Including Gourley Relatives!

June 19, 2021: Our niece, Sierra, and Rob’s sister, Amy, recently flew down from upper State New York to Florida. One day on their “vacation”, they spent time with Uncle Rob at the bottling plant.  They captured the two photos below of Rob bubbling DiTetra Gas into a tank of ultra-pure water to make Watt-Ahh. …

Not Everyone is On Vacation in Florida … Including Gourley Relatives! Read More »

Hoarding of Watt-Ahh is Over – Watt-Ahh Liter Bottles are Back!

June 17, 2021: Good news: Both the liter and 16.9 oz. bottles are in stock! During the last three weeks, we had no Watt-Ahh liter bottles to sell. During this water drought, we received a higher rate of customers confessing that they are “water hoarding” … even hiding Watt-Ahh from their spouses. Rob and I …

Hoarding of Watt-Ahh is Over – Watt-Ahh Liter Bottles are Back! Read More »

How to Make a Pow-Ahh Elixir – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for July of 2021

July of 2021 – We have shared recipes for our morning and evening elixirs for several years now. The main ingredient is Watt-Ahh to make it a “Pow-Ahh Elixir”. Making your own special elixir or smoothie is a creative venture that can evolve depending upon available ingredients. The main ingredient, Watt-Ahh, can reduce the timeline …

How to Make a Pow-Ahh Elixir – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for July of 2021 Read More »