Ahh-Mazing Discoveries

The Dirty Secret on the Worst Carbon – AHA! Climate Discovery for January 2023

November 19, 2022 — All of the talk about “zero-carbon emissions” reminds me of working on the federal zero effluent guidelines for the battery manufacturing industry in the early 1980’s. As an United Technologies Corporation employee working on a major contract with the U.S. EPA, I traveled nationwide every other week and sampled wastewater from …

The Dirty Secret on the Worst Carbon – AHA! Climate Discovery for January 2023 Read More »

Ahh! Climate – AHA! Discovery for 2023

November 19, 2022 — In November of 2022, Rob and I were on a Zoom conference with financial managers from a U.S. megabank that has made a clean energy commitment. The bank’s new mission is to help their large corporate clients transition “toward low- and zero-carbon solutions” and a more sustainable future. We are interested …

Ahh! Climate – AHA! Discovery for 2023 Read More »

Profound Electrons – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for December 2022

“Energy is both biochemical and psychophysical, vaguely delineated, widely misunderstood, elusive as grace. You know it when you got it, and even more when you don’t. This is the enthusiasm and vigor you feel inside yourself, the kind you might call chi, after the ancient Chinese life force …” New Yorker Magazine, November 2021 November …

Profound Electrons – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for December 2022 Read More »

Protecting the Oxygen Level in Air and How Hydrogen Protects the Body from the Reactive Form of Oxygen – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for November 2022

October 22, 2022 – For life, oxygen (O2) needs to be around 21 percent of the air we breathe. Deriving hydrogen fuel from fossil fuels could cause a depletion of ambient oxygen over time. Instead, the use of DiTetra Gas derived from renewable water and not fossil fuel, in making Super Green Hydrogen will avoid …

Protecting the Oxygen Level in Air and How Hydrogen Protects the Body from the Reactive Form of Oxygen – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for November 2022 Read More »

Hydrogen Fuel for the Human Body – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for October 2022

Hydrogen is the lightest element even compared to helium. DiTetra Gas used to make Watt-Ahh is a molecular combination of 2 co-valently bonded oxygen and 4 hydrogen enriched with electrons on the outside ring. Like helium, DiTetra Gas can inflate a balloon and it rises immediately to the ceiling. There is currently a helium shortage …

Hydrogen Fuel for the Human Body – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for October 2022 Read More »

Ahh! Climate – Introducing the Next AHA! Discovery Series for 2023

August 18, 2022 – We have focused on bioenergetics of both the DiTetra Gas and Watt-Ahh for several years now. Each month this year (2022) so far, we provided articles on the topic of “Energy Requires Healing”. For the next series during upcoming 2023, we want to unveil a new direction on the uses of …

Ahh! Climate – Introducing the Next AHA! Discovery Series for 2023 Read More »

Cellular Energy vs. Physical Energy – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for September 2022

We are more than midway into this year’s AHA! Discovery Series on “Healing Requires Energy”. There is a difference in the types of energy in human beings: physical and cellular. We should clarify that it is cellular energy that is needed for healing and Watt-Ahh (100% active water) provides support for cellular energy. It can …

Cellular Energy vs. Physical Energy – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for September 2022 Read More »

Moderating Iron Absorption – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for August 2022

July 7, 2022 – Iron absorption deficiency is the leading worldwide disability or if not number one, certainly comes in as one of the top 3 in impairment. In 2015, it was estimated that over two billion individuals including children of five years and younger who did not enjoy full vibrant health due to iron-absorption …

Moderating Iron Absorption – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for August 2022 Read More »

Energized Tears — AHA! Discovery of Healing Requires Energy for July 2022

June 6, 2022 — The tear film of on the surface of our eyes is composed of an intricate layering of 1) a slippery mucus material serving as a lubricant for the surface of the eye, 2) a salty protein material to prevent infection from accumulated waste products, and 3) a lipid material to keep …

Energized Tears — AHA! Discovery of Healing Requires Energy for July 2022 Read More »