DiTetra Gas

Seeking Immediate and Pain-free Answers to Your Health – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for May 2022

March 26, 2022 – Why hasn’t the practice of medicine advanced to become more customized to the individual patient? … with real-time results and methods that do not involve jabs, chemical iv’s and magic pills with side effects that can be worse than the symptoms being treated. Our live blood tells the story of our …

Seeking Immediate and Pain-free Answers to Your Health – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for May 2022 Read More »

Clean Brain — AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for April 2022

February 2022 – Fluid transport into and out of the brain has more obstacles when compared to the various ways of typical cellular (non-neuro) hydration. As we discussed in a previous article, electrical potential attraction or for neuro scientists, the term is “action potential” of ion movement also occurs at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) as …

Clean Brain — AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for April 2022 Read More »

Cool Fuel – Restructuring Fuel for Endothermic (Heat-Absorbing) Reaction within Internal Combustion Engines

Our planet seems to be trending hotter. Through the eons, natural forces have driven climate change. But is the internal combustion engine that inefficiently burns hydrocarbon fuels contributing to the acceleration of climate change? Carbon alone is not the culprit since carbon neither holds nor regenerates heat. It is heat generated from engines with red-hot …

Cool Fuel – Restructuring Fuel for Endothermic (Heat-Absorbing) Reaction within Internal Combustion Engines Read More »

Cool Fuel – Rob Gourley’s Current Project on Restructuring Fuel

December 23, 2021 – AquaNew’s Inventor Rob Gourley has been restructuring water for over 15 years … why not restructure hydrocarbon fuel? His initial fuel testing has occurred in carbonated engines of a race car on a dyno, an extreme performance watercraft in race competition, and he even added the fuel treated with DiTetra Gas …

Cool Fuel – Rob Gourley’s Current Project on Restructuring Fuel Read More »

The Core of the Heart is a Vortex — AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for February 2022

December 17, 2021 – Blood platelets and plasma swirl into the left atrium of the heart before entering the left ventricle. The resulting whirlpools or vortices spin in the opposite direction of the blood flow such that the electron energy restructures the blood. It may be too simplistic to think of the heart as being …

The Core of the Heart is a Vortex — AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for February 2022 Read More »

Healing Requires Energy – 2022 AHA! Discovery Series

For the 2022 AHA! Discovery Series, we focus on energy, profound and universal energy that supports healing in our bodies. Energy should not be used as a perception of stimulation but one that generates work. The optimum natural way to achieve sufficient energy in our opinion is to drink Watt-Ahh Polarized Water. So welcome to …

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Profound Energy — AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for January 2022

Product marketers have kidnapped the term “energy”. For our new series on energy this year, we are not talking about caffeinated stimulants from drinking coffee or energy shots. Further, we are not talking about the gigantic World of Pseudo Energy Products. To demonstrate the point, we borrow part of the list of “energy products” from …

Profound Energy — AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for January 2022 Read More »

Watt-Ahh 101 Plus If You Like, More Advanced Science

September 26, 2021 — Watt-Ahh® the next paradigm shift in bottled water. Consumers who seek healthier beverages have made bottled water the number-one selling beverage by volume in the USA. However, it has been over Two Decades since the last blockbuster discovery in water … breakthroughs in adding electrolytes, minerals and vitamins to bottled water …

Watt-Ahh 101 Plus If You Like, More Advanced Science Read More »

Bubbles – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for September of 2021

August 12, 2021. Without bubbles, our immune systems would not work. We are more familiar with vitamin supplements and healthy foods that support our immune system but may also overlook the gas bubbles in the water we drink as part of our health regime? It is also important to breathe these atmospheric bio-health gases including …

Bubbles – AHA! Pow-Ahh Immunity Discovery for September of 2021 Read More »