Dana Gourley

Hydrogen Fuel for the Human Body – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for October 2022

Hydrogen is the lightest element even compared to helium. DiTetra Gas used to make Watt-Ahh is a molecular combination of 2 co-valently bonded oxygen and 4 hydrogen enriched with electrons on the outside ring. Like helium, DiTetra Gas can inflate a balloon and it rises immediately to the ceiling. There is currently a helium shortage …

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New Type of Hydrogen Fuel – Super Green Hydrogen Made from DiTetra Gas

August 25, 2022 — Using fossil fuels such as natural gas are the “dinosaur way” to make hydrogen that is currently used in stationary power devices (fuel cells). Hydrogen fuel cells generate power using a chemical reaction rather than combustion, with the byproducts of water and thermal heat. For the latter, we have recommendations in …

New Type of Hydrogen Fuel – Super Green Hydrogen Made from DiTetra Gas Read More »

Dr. Zach Bush MD’s Journey of Intrinsic Health and True Hydration

August 23, 2022 — Almost ten years ago, AquaNew sponsored a medical summit in Sarasota, FL. Zach Bush, MD (or “Dr. Zach” herein) was the keynote speaker. Some of our Watt-Ahh customers will recall attending the summit along with 80 attendees who have diverse careers and experiences including health practitioners,  medical doctors, research PhDs (in …

Dr. Zach Bush MD’s Journey of Intrinsic Health and True Hydration Read More »

Ahh! Climate – Introducing the Next AHA! Discovery Series for 2023

August 18, 2022 – We have focused on bioenergetics of both the DiTetra Gas and Watt-Ahh for several years now. Each month this year (2022) so far, we provided articles on the topic of “Energy Requires Healing”. For the next series during upcoming 2023, we want to unveil a new direction on the uses of …

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Cellular Energy vs. Physical Energy – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for September 2022

We are more than midway into this year’s AHA! Discovery Series on “Healing Requires Energy”. There is a difference in the types of energy in human beings: physical and cellular. We should clarify that it is cellular energy that is needed for healing and Watt-Ahh (100% active water) provides support for cellular energy. It can …

Cellular Energy vs. Physical Energy – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for September 2022 Read More »

Life Cycles – Ted and Carol Suratt

July 23, 2022 — Stories of our ancestry can link us. Ted Suratt, who co-founded AquaNew and WIT with Rob Gourley, was proud of the Suratt name. His relative, Tavern Owner Mary Suratt, was the first woman to be hang for her supposed crime by the U.S. Government. Ted defended her, believing that she was …

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Joyful Gathering at AquaNew’s Fulfillment Center

July 23, 2022 — Last evening, it was party time at the AquaNew Fulfillment Center and of course, there was an intense lightning storm going on to commemorate our “official grand opening” and a special birthday and semi-retirement celebrations for Steve Browne, who has delivered Watt-Ahh to our customers for over 14 years. The weather …

Joyful Gathering at AquaNew’s Fulfillment Center Read More »

Moderating Iron Absorption – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for August 2022

July 7, 2022 – Iron absorption deficiency is the leading worldwide disability or if not number one, certainly comes in as one of the top 3 in impairment. In 2015, it was estimated that over two billion individuals including children of five years and younger who did not enjoy full vibrant health due to iron-absorption …

Moderating Iron Absorption – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for August 2022 Read More »