
Party Smart

December 29, 2022 — Watt-Ahh makes other beverages smarter choices for your party guests. It is obvious that drinking Watt-Ahh alone is healthy but as we know, alcohol indulgence is typically part of the party game. You can give your guests healthier (and more flavorful) drinks using Watt-Ahh as a mixer. Less alcohol can be …

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December 15, 2022 — Comedians can hit sensitive nerves when telling jokes. Alopecia (sudden hair loss) has become one of the classic examples of a joke landing badly at an awards ceremony this year. It is an unsettling experience for over 6 million Americans to have their hair fall out and not know if their …

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Nightly Miracles – A Cat’s Strength to Live and Love

December 11, 2022 – Our beloved cat, Dewey, has Stage 4 cancer … a rare feline cancer. Over a month ago, the vet showed us this x-ray of the water that had accumulated in her lungs, blocking the imaging of Dewey’s heart and he pointed out more tumors in addition to the one that he …

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Crystalline Holidays – 2022 Holiday Specials

If diamonds are not be on your wish list this holiday season, how about treating yourself or your loved ones to Nature’s liquid crystal … pure crystalline-like Watt-Ahh? AquaNew is offering two weeks of holiday specials that will certainly brighten your holidays. We start with the “fine print”:  Each Holiday Special Promotion is not available …

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Gourmet Incubator – Eddie Morton of Morton’s Gourmet Market

November 4, 2022 — Back in 2007, Co-owner of Morton’s Gourmet Market, Eddie Morton with a twinkle in his eye, told Melinda and me “yes, we will carry Watt-Ahh”. We celebrated that such a premier store is the first one to offer Watt-Ahh to its discriminating customers. His son, Todd, and others back in his …

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Cellular Energy vs. Physical Energy – AHA! Discovery on Healing Requires Energy for September 2022

We are more than midway into this year’s AHA! Discovery Series on “Healing Requires Energy”. There is a difference in the types of energy in human beings: physical and cellular. We should clarify that it is cellular energy that is needed for healing and Watt-Ahh (100% active water) provides support for cellular energy. It can …

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Life Cycles – Ted and Carol Suratt

July 23, 2022 — Stories of our ancestry can link us. Ted Suratt, who co-founded AquaNew and WIT with Rob Gourley, was proud of the Suratt name. His relative, Tavern Owner Mary Suratt, was the first woman to be hang for her supposed crime by the U.S. Government. Ted defended her, believing that she was …

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